by Yann | Oct 20, 2021 | Life Planning, Personal Finance
Two wrong ways to handle money There are two ways to mishandle money: you can either neglect it entirely, or you can make it the most important thing in you life. The story of Emily Emily does not really care about money. But she does care about spending it....
by Yann | Oct 13, 2021 | Investment, Life Planning
What is opportunity cost? Let’s shed some light on the obscure concept of opportunity cost… Two years into her career, my wife decided to start a management degree. Not an MBA but something similar. Management degrees are expensive but they cost way more...
by Yann | Oct 6, 2021 | Life Planning
Don’t confuse cost and value It’s easy to confuse costs and value. But cost is what you pay and value is what you get. That’s a significant difference… My wife and I had an interesting discussion the other day. She wanted to invite her...
by Yann | Sep 22, 2021 | Life Planning
Life in stages Life can thought as a succession of economic stages. Some of those stages are more appropriate than others to prepare the future. Resource and liability If you’ve watched the TV show The Walking Dead, you know that people are a resource. Most companies...
by Yann | Aug 25, 2021 | Life Planning
Everything Wrong with FIRE Who wouldn’t dream of retiring at 40? FIRE stands for Financial Independence, Retire Early. It is a movement that aims at promoting a very unusual life plan: save at least 50% of your income and invest it in low cost index funds...
by Yann | Apr 28, 2021 | Life Planning
A «no» worth 80k and counting If there is one thing that people underestimate, it’s the importance of the first salary. Because whatever salary you get the first year, you will get the second year, and the third, hopefully with little increases. So one thousand...