A common portfolio allocation mistake

Portfolio allocation means deciding how much money to invest in which asset. And most people do it wrong.  Let’s that you have 1 million francs. How much should be invested in bonds, stocks, real estate, gold, crypto, cash, etc. ? Deciding how much (in %) should...

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The case for Ethereum and why it’s valuable

 I believe that the Ethereum is valuable. Here is why...  I first learned about crypto in 2013, roughly 4 years after the first bitcoin was mined. Since then, I’ve always been convinced of one thing: blockchain is an amazing technology that solves important...

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The truth about dividends

Have you ever heard that investors should seek dividends? It's free money, right? Right?  This is the second article of the series « Popular but wrong beliefs about investing » Here is part 1: The stock market is like a casino. Today, I would like to explore...

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Which insurances should you buy?

An insurance salesman will tell you that you need to be insured for everything. But is that reasonable?  In Switzerland, there are a few mandatory insurances: Liability insurance if you’re a renter Car insurance if your own a car Health insurance if you own a...

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Why inflation is good

Inflation is often seen as the enemy of investment performance and financial planning in general. Inflation is what made the German economy collapse in the 1930s and led (among other things) to the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. But it's the less horrible setting for...

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What makes things valuable?

You’ve probably already wondered why we fight so hard to own rectangular pieces of paper with faces on them. Or to own gold. Or real estate. This is my attempt to answer the question: what gives things value? Including my take on bitcoin. Why do you go to work? Well,...

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A common portfolio allocation mistake

Portfolio allocation means deciding how much money to invest in which asset. And most people do it wrong.  Let’s that you have 1 million francs. How much should be invested in bonds, stocks, real estate, gold, crypto, cash, etc. ? Deciding how much (in %) should...

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The case for Ethereum and why it’s valuable

 I believe that the Ethereum is valuable. Here is why...  I first learned about crypto in 2013, roughly 4 years after the first bitcoin was mined. Since then, I’ve always been convinced of one thing: blockchain is an amazing technology that solves important...

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The truth about dividends

Have you ever heard that investors should seek dividends? It's free money, right? Right?  This is the second article of the series « Popular but wrong beliefs about investing » Here is part 1: The stock market is like a casino. Today, I would like to explore...

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Which insurances should you buy?

An insurance salesman will tell you that you need to be insured for everything. But is that reasonable?  In Switzerland, there are a few mandatory insurances: Liability insurance if you’re a renter Car insurance if your own a car Health insurance if you own a...

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Why inflation is good

Inflation is often seen as the enemy of investment performance and financial planning in general. Inflation is what made the German economy collapse in the 1930s and led (among other things) to the rise of Hitler and the Nazis. But it's the less horrible setting for...

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What makes things valuable?

You’ve probably already wondered why we fight so hard to own rectangular pieces of paper with faces on them. Or to own gold. Or real estate. This is my attempt to answer the question: what gives things value? Including my take on bitcoin. Why do you go to work? Well,...

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